Glossary of terms used in these pages
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Spanish, like English, is not a single homogeneous language. Different words can be used in different places to express the identical concept. The same word can have very different meanings in different countries. For instance, the word hacienda in Argentina (in the context of railways) means livestock; however, its usual meaning in Mexico is something like stately home. Technical terms may be specific to individual railways.
Where the word is specific, but not necessarily uniquely, to a country or railway there is an abbreviation indicating the source of the word.
English / Spanish
COUPLINGS automatic coupling = el enganche automático (RFIRT) (knuckle implied) buckeye or MCB coupler = el acoplador (tipo) puño buffer = el paragolpe = el tope (Uru.) chopper coupling = el acoplador (tipo) hacha coupling = el acople coupling hook = el gancho (between buffers on buffer beam) knuckle coupling = el acoplador (tipo) puño = el ganche mandíbula = la mandíbula (Uru.) link and pin coupling = el acoplador (tipo) anillo y perno = el enganche a cadena (Arg.) rotating coupling = el acoplador giratorio (for tippler wagons) screw coupling = el tornillo (Uru.) (between buffers on buffer beam) = el enganche a rosca (Arg.) three link coupling = la cadena a eslabón
LINES & ROUTES additional line = la vía auxiliadora (RFIRT) (a line which is not a running line) = la vía auxiliar (RFIRT) block section = sección de bloqueo construction = la construcción (this may be used to describe both the process of constructing and the thing which has been constructed) construction works = las obras crossover = la interconexión (invented for these pages) crossing place = el apartadero (RFIRT) (On this railway where there are two running lines: the main line is bi- directional; the secondary running line may be bi-directional) curve = la curva descent = la bajada distance (in kilometres) = el kilometraje down line = la vía descendente, (defined as direction of decreasing mileage) gradient = la pendiente level crossing = el paso a nivel main line = la vía primera (Arg + RFIRT) = la vía principal (Arg +RFIRT) (the line which joins the stations and passes through them; the running of the trains on it is governed by rules and signals) network (of routes) = la red, eg. la Red Norte (Chile) permanent way = la vía permanente radius = el radio railway = el ferrocarril = la vía férrea running line = la vía de tráfico (RFIRT) second (running) line = la vía segunda (RFIRT) (at stations and crossing places) section = el tramo (Chile) shunting yard = patio = playa de maniobras (Arg.) siding = el desvío (an additional line used for shunting or the parking of vehicles, exceptionally it may be used for the crossing of trains; it may be of such a length that it would be considered a branch line - the airfield siding at Puerto Madryn was 4km long and there was one in the north of Argentina no less than 101 km long!) single track = la vía sencilla subsidiary line = la vía auxiliadora (RFIRT) third (running) line (not siding) = la vía tercera (at stations and crossing places) triangle, or wye = tríangulo up line = la vía ascendente, (defined as direction of increasing mileage) wye, or triangle = tríangulo
LOCOMOTIVE DEPOT engine shed = el depósito = el galpón de máquinas = la casa de máquinas (Chile) round house = la casa redonda = la remesa shed = el galpón turntable = la giratoria = la mesa giratoria = la placa giratoria = la plataforma giratoria = el puente giratorio = la tournamesa (Chile) water crane = la punta de agua = la toma de agua = la grúa de agua water stand = el agua (Cent. Am.) (feminine gender) water tank = el agua (Cent. Am.) (feminine gender) = el tanque de agua workshops = los talleres (Arg.) = la maestranza (Chile)
LOCOMOTIVES assisting engine = la locomotora auxiliadora (RFIRT) (whether located between the train engine and the train or at the rear pushing) = la locomotora auxilio (RFIRT) boiler pressure = la presión de caldera (200 psi = 14.1 kg/mm2) brake, air = el freno Westinghouse (Arg.) = el freno al aire comprimido brake shoe = la zapata de freno brake, vacuum = el freno al vacío bunker = el pañol (for coal or wood; usually in a ship) = el tanque de combustible (fuel oil) = el tender (sometimes, by extension from separate tender) cab = la casilla carrying wheel = la rueda portador (not bogie wheel) cattle guard = el miriñaque (Arg + Chile) (literally crinoline!) chassis = la viga coal = el carbon coupled wheel = la rueda acoplada cow catcher = el miriñaque (Arg + Chile) cylinders = los cilindros diesel fuel = el aceite diesel (Cent. Am.) driving wheel = la rueda acoplada = la rueda propulsora engine = la locomotora = la máquina exploratory engine = la locomotora exploradora (RFIRT) a light engine sent out into an occupied section to look for a train, or a rake of wagons, whose whereabouts is unknown) firebox = el fogón = la caja de fuego footplate = el estribo head light (strobe) = la baliza headlamp = el reflector horsepower = caballo vapor light engine = la locomotora sola (may be more than one engine coupled together and may include one, or more, brake vans attached) locomotive jack = el gato de locomotora (RFIRT) (probably a traversing screw jack of perhaps 15 tons capacity) mainframe = el bastidor = la viga pilot (USA) = el miriñaque (Arg + Chile) (literally crinoline!) putting steam loco into reverse to brake the train = el contravapor running plate = el estribo safety valve = la válvula de securidad (invented for these pages) sand box = el arenero = el cajón de arena smoke box = la caja de humo / humos = el humero snow plough = la reja quitanieves steam release valve = el robinete superheater = recalentador (literally 're-heater') superheating = sobrecalefacción (Arg.) tractive effort/force = fuerza de tracción train engine = la locomotora titular (RFIRT) (located at the very front of the train, in front of any assisting engine) traversing jack = el gato para mover al lado = el gato traslador (invented for these pages) wheel arrangement = la esquema de ruedas = el rodado = el rodaje whistle = el pito works' number = el número de fábrica
MISCELLANEOUS Enginemens' union (ASLEF equivalent) = la Fraternidad (Arg) assets = los bienes (RFIRT) in bulk (loose, not in containers) = a granel colliery arch = la viga castillo (RFIRT) colony = la colonia (Arg., eg. Colonia Sarmiento; settlement in unoccupied territory established by, or with consent of, the government) company = la empresa, la compañía concession (eg. to operate a railway) = la concesión concrete = el hormigón dam = el dique decree (of government) = el decreto (Arg.) design = el plano district, (suburb, neighbourhood (USA)) = el barrio electric battery = la batería (RFIRT) = la pila (Arg) engineering work = la obra de arte (e.g. bridge) event = la novedad (RFIRT) fare = el pasaje first aid box = el botiquín mine gallery or tunnel = la galería gas producer = el hizagas incident = la novedad (RFIRT) livestock = el ganado (Arg.) = la hacienda (Arg.) law = la ley lorry = el camión masonry = la mampostería mineral = el mineral Ministry of Public Works = Ministerio de Obras Publicas (Arg.) occurrence = la novedad (RFIRT) outcrop (of rock or ore) = el afloramiento packaging = el embalaje padlock = el canado petrol = la bencina (Chile) = la nafta (Arg.) plan (ie map) = el plano road motor coach service = la línea automotora Pullman (FC Central del Chubut, Arg.) mine shaft = el pique, or if inclined = la chimenea inclineda stores = los materiales tap = la canilla third party = el tercero ticket (for pasenger) = el boleto (Arg.) ton/tonne (weight) = tonelada; long ton = tonelada inglesa, short ton = tonelada de los EEUU.mine tunnel or gallery = la galería ventilation shaft or tunnel for mine = el chiflón wool = la lana works tram = la zorra (tramway) wrought iron = el hierro forjado
OPERATION (OF TRAINS) bad visibility = la mala visibilidad (RFIRT) (defined as visibility of less than 200 metres) ballast train = el tren de trabajo banked (train) = la doble tracción breakdown train = el tren de auxilio delay = el retraso diagrammed service = el servicio diagramado (RFIRT) (that is, one operating to the timetable contained within the current working timetable) double headed = la doble tracción fly shunting = la maniobra volante (RFIRT) (that is, when a locomotive pulling a rake of wagons is uncoupled from them while in motion and passes through facing points in a different direction to that of the following wagons) interchange (of passengers at a junction) = la combinación mist = la neblina (defined as visibility of less than 200 metres) rough shunt = la maniobra brusca running-over = el arrollamiento (of livestock or person) shunting = las maniobras shunter = el cambista (arg.) speed restriction = la precaución (Arg + RFIRT) train control office = el Movimiento (more fully: la Oficina de Movimiento Seccional) = oficina de control de trenes passenger train conveying vehicles for several different destinations or branch lines = el tren combinación hurricane force winds = el viento huracanado (Arg., of great importance to train operation in Patagonia!) walking pace = a paso de hombre
OPERATION (COMMERCIAL / STAFF) bale (of wool) = el bulto bill of lading = la carta de porte charge (for conveying freight) = el flete expenses = los gastos freightage = el flete improvised service = el servicio programado (RFIRT) (that is, one operating to suit the exigencies of traffic through lack of a current working time table) income = el producido journey = el viaje livestock = la hacienda (Arg) locum = el reemplazante (RFIRT) (person undertaking those duties at the particular time) on duty = de turno (RFIRT) = en servicio (RFIRT) (when working a shift system) packet = la encomienda parcel = la encomienda ship or vessel = el buque shipping line = la compañia naviera shipping service = la vía marítima shunter = el cambista timetable = el horario (RFIRT) (that part of the working time table which specifies the class, direction, number and running of the trains) tonne (or ton according to context) = la tonelada way bill = la foja de ruta (RFIRT) weighing machine = la báscula working timetable = el itinerario de trenes (RFIRT) (a printed document which contains the timetable, together with information concerning the running and dealing with trains)
POINTS/SWITCHES (point) blade = la aguja catch point = la trampa clearance post or point = la estaca del cambio (RFIRT) (indicating the point beyond which vehicles on two converging lines will foul each other) = la estaca de libranza (RFIRT) crossing nose, vee or frog = la encrucijada double-slip crossing = el cambio inglés (Arg.) facing points = el cambio de punta (RFIRT) hand points = el cambio a mano (RFIRT) point lock at in-section siding operated by train staff = la cerradura de gaveta points with a facing point lock = las agujas de securidad points without a facing point lock = las agujas simples position indicator for points = el indicador de cambio sprung points = el cambio a resorte (this does not necessarily involve the use of springs, but more usually by a hand lever weighted to self park in one position only, unlike the usual arrangement where it will self park in either position) trailing points = el cambio de talón (RFIRT)
RAILWAY OR ROUTE TITLES EFEA = Empresa Ferrocarriles del Estado Argentina = Argentine State Railways Company, ie the official name for the nationalised railway network after 1948. Later the less official term 'Ferrocarriles Argentinos' was popularly used. FCAF = Ferrocarril Austral Fueguino = lit. Southern Fueguinian Railway, ie. the modern 50cm tourist line at Ushuaia. FCCC = Ferrocarril Central del Chubut. NB In Spanish this should really be abbreviated 'FCCCh' as 'Ch' counts as a separate single letter in Spanish. However the railway management always used the English abbreviation FCCC. Nota bene : La gerencia del 'FCCCH' usaba la abreviatura FCCC en sus escritos y para identificación sobre los vagones y locomotoras. La voz galesa o inglesa tiene la cuarta letra del abecedario como la 'd' no la 'ch' como castellano en aquel tiempo. FCE = Ferrocarril del Estado, Argentina, y Chile también. = State Railways, in both Argentina and Chile. FCGR = Ferrocarril General Roca, ie. the title given in 1948 to the division of the EFEA incorporating the former FC Sud and the former FCE lines to Bariloche, Esquel and Coronel Sosa. FCP = Ferrocarril Patagónico = Patagonian Railway(s), ie the two isolated broad gauge lines and the ex FCCC from 1948 until their takeover by the FC General Roca a few years later. FCPV = Ferrocarril de Península Valdés = Peninsula Valdes railway, ie. the salt line to Pto. Piramides. FCS = Ferrocarril Sud = Southern Railway, or more formally in English the Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway Company. RCR-CS = Ramal Comodoro Rivadavia a Colonia Sarmiento = term used here for the Comodoro Rivadavia - Sarmiento broad gauge line. RFIEP = Ramal Ferro Industrial Eva Perón = Eva Peron Industrial Railway Line.The original name for the Rio Turbio coal line until President Peron's fall from office in the mid 1950s. El nombre original del RFIRT (abajo). RFIRT = Ramal Ferro Industrial Río Turbio = Rio Turbio Industrial Railway Line. RIJ-E = Ramal de Ingeniero Jacobacci a Esquel RPD-CLH = Ramal Puerto Deseado a Colonia Las Heras RSA-SCB = Ramal Viedma a San Antonio Oeste y San Carlos de Bariloche
ROLLING STOCK (PARTS OF VEHICLES) archbar truck or diamond frame bogie = el boguie de forma diamante axlebox = la caja de lubricación = la caja para punta de eje = la caja de ejes berth (bed in sleeping coach) = la litera = la cama (Arg.) birdcage roof = el techo jaulón (invented for the purposes of these pages) bogie/truck = el boguie (it is also often spelt 'bogie') braked axle = el eje frenado brake hose = la manga de freno brake rigging = la timonería de freno (excludes brake shoes) buffer beam = el montaje acoplador buffer front face = el platillo clerestory roof = el techo con claraboya diamond frame bogie or archbar truck = el boguie de forma diamante end balcony of coach? = la platina fall plate? = la platina monitor roof = el techo catedral (invented for the purposes of these pages) roller bearing = el rodamiente sleeping compartment = el compartimiento or el camarote spare part = el repuesto tail lamp of train = la señal de cola truck/bogie = el boguie (it is also often spelt 'bogie') washing compartment = el lavatorio WC compartment = la letrina wheel = la rueda wheel flange? = la ceja = la pestaña wheel tread = la huella
ROLLING STOCK (VEHICLES) baggage car = el furgón de equipajes box car (USA) or covered van = vagón cubierto box van = el furgón brake van = el furgón = el furgón (RFIRT - sole meaning) = el furgón de cola (FC Patagónico) = el furgón de freno container = el contenedor final vehicle = el colero (RFIRT) (of block train; painted distinctively, red and white vertical bands and carrying the appropriate end-of-train signals) flat wagon = el carro plano (Chile) = vagón plataforma (Arg.) flat wagon for containers = la chata contenedor (modern containers) flat wagon with no or very low sides = la plataforma guard's compartment = el furgón (in a passenger coach) high-sided open wagon = vagón cajón hopper wagon = la tolva inspection saloon = el coche reservado (locomotive hauled) livestock wagon = el vagón-jaula = el vagón hacienda (Arg.) loading gauge = el gálibo (RFIRT) (dimensions thereof) low-sided open wagon = vagón medio-cajón luggage compartment = compartimiento para equipajes = also 'el furgón' in Arg. when no special furgón vehicle is in the train mine tub = el vagon (Mex.) (no accent) motor trolley = la zorra (RFIRT) (usually; which can readily be removed from the track by its own crew) officers' saloon = el coche reservado (locomotive hauled) parcels van = furgón de equipajes; but in Arg. vagón de equipajes = higher quality parcels van with vacuum brake, passenger bogies/trucks and steam heating pipe. railcar = el bus carril (Chile) = el ferrobus (Bol.) = el coche motor (Arg.) railcar, small = el auto de vía rake (of wagons) = el corte road-rail vehicle = el satelite (RFIRT) rolling stock = el material rodante self propelled insection vehicle = el auto de vía (like a Wyckham or Fairmont trolley) sleeping car = el coche dormitorio tipper wagon = el vagón volcador track bicycle = el velocípedo van = el cubierto (RFIRT) = el furgón wagon = el carro (Mex) = el vagón (Arg)
SIGNALS Note that terms marked * all relate to traditional British signalling practice. advanced (starting) signal* = la señal de avanzada back light of signal = la contraluz block section* = la sección block burner, of oil or acetylene lamp = el mechero calling-on signal* = la señal de llamada cane = la caña (for attaching wires of portable telephone to overhead wires of line side telephone) colour light signal = la señal luminosa detonator = el pertardo distant signal* = la señal de distancia dwarf signal* = la señal enana engine horn (sound) = la bocina engine whistle (sound) = el silbato fixed signal* = la señal fija fixed distant in off position = el disco chico (RFIRT) (= literally 'small disc'; small disc placed below a disco de aproximación signal to indicate that the train need not stop at the entrance points to a stations as required by the disco de aproximación signal) fixed distant in on position = el disco de aproximación (RFIRT) (= literally 'approach disc'; fixed signal indicating that the train must stop at the entrance points to the station unless otherwise given a signal at that location) fixed stop signal = el cuadro absoluto (RFIRT) (= literally 'absolute square'; located at entrance to station (home = grande) or at exit from siding (starting = chico) flag (for signalling) = la banderita fog signal = el pertardo fog signalman = el petardero ground frame = el marco de palancas hand bell = la campanilla hand lamp = el farol = el farol de mano home signal* = la señal de entrada instruction board = el tablero (locomotive) bell = la campana (man's) arm = el brazo signal lever collar (to remind signalman not to clear signal as it is protecting a train = el cuello de hierro el mechero = burner, of oil lamp movable signal = la señal movible (mouth) whistle = el pito pole = el palo (numbered from 1 each kilometre and used to make mileage location more precise) repeater signal* = el repetidor semaphore signal = el semáforo shunt to siding signal* = la señal de entrada a desvío shunting signal* = la señal de maniobra (signal) arm* = el brazo signal box/cabin/tower = el cabín (Arg) = la cabina (Arg) = la caseta = la casilla (de señales) (alternative nomenclatures; the particular form used will depend on the particular pre-nationalization railway on which it is / was located) signal lamp = el farol de señal signal lever = la palanca signalman = el señalero signal post = el mástil staff, ie. for single line working = el bastón starting signal* =la señal de salida tail lamp of train = la señal de cola Line clear = vía libre, on RFIRT elevated to 'Vía Libre' system of permissive block working wrong road working signal* = la señal que autoriza a correr por vía contraria
STAFF/PERSONNEL blacksmith = el herrero brakeman = el guardafreno conductor = el práctico (literally the ship's pilot; ie. the person who knows the road and advises the engine driver who doesn't) conductor = el conductor (RFIRT) (the person who is in charge of the running of a train, he is generally the same person as the engine driver) conductor (USA) = el conductor (Cent. Am.) crew = la dotación crossing keeper = el guardabarrera employee = el agente engine driver = el maquinista engineer (USA) = el maquinista engineer (professional) = el ingeniero foreman = el capataz guard = el guardatrén (RFIRT) (who controls the braking of an train not fitted with continuous brakes) = el guarda handsignalman = el cambista (RFIRT) labourer = el peón lengthman = el peón (de vía) locomotive fireman = el fogonero = el foguista PW ganger = el capataz de cuadrilla PW squad = la cuadrilla de vía PW sub-ganger = el segundo capataz de cuadrilla railwayman = el ferroviario shunter = el agujero? = el cambista (Arg.) = el garrotero (Mex.)? = el palanquero (Chile) squad = la dotación station assistant = el auxiliar (de estación) (RFIRT) (performs duties something like a station master, but rotates amongst the station staff three monthly where there are more than one appointed to a particular station) station master = el jefe de estación steamraiser in a loco shed = el vaporista (Arg.) stoker = el fogonero = el foguista superintendent = el superintendente, eg. Superintendente Seccional Trafico telegraph linesman = el guardahilo wagon examiner = el revisador de vehículos
STATIONS end loading ramp = la rampa de punta halt = el apeadero = la parada notice board = el tablero pen for livestock = el corral shed = el galpon side loading ramp = la rampa de costado sign board = el tablero station in advance = la estación de adelante (RFIRT) station in the rear = la estación de atrás (RFIRT) (station) name board = el nomenclado (station) platform = la plataforma (more old fashioned term), = el anden (more modern term) ticket office = la boletería (Arg) unstaffed station = el apeadero unstaffed station dealing with passengers = la parada unstaffed station = el embarcadero (station with restricted facilities, but more than a halt) wagon tippler = el equipo vuelca vagones (RFIRT) waiting room = la sala de espera
TRACK (see also POINTS/SWITCHES) 60 cm gauge = la vía decauville 75 cm gauge = la trocha económica (Patagonia) = la vía angosta (Cent. Am.) broad gauge = la trocha ancha buffer stop = la marmita cant = el peralte catch point = el detentor checkrail, eg. at points/switch or through/over bridge = el contracarril chock = la calzada (RFIRT) clamp (for points) = la grampa dual gauge = la bitrocha = la vía mixta (Cent. Am.) fishplate = la eclisa = la junta para riel = la planchuela gauge = la trocha gradient = la pendiente level crossing barrier = la barrera flange lubricator = el lubricador de pestañas (NB pestaña usual means eyelash!) metre gauge = la trocha metrica = la trocha angosta (Arg.) narrow gauge = la trocha angosta position indicator for points = el indicador de cambio rail joint = la junta de rieles scotch block = la calzada (RFIRT) standard gauge = la vía ancha (Cent. Am.) superelevation = el peralte track jack = el gato de vía (RFIRT) (probably a ratchet jack of perhaps 5 tons capacity) wheel stop = la calzada (RFIRT)
Spanish - English glossary